We’ve Found Great Vendors So You Don’t Have To
You can see more from these amazing photographers in our Inspiration Gallery.
Emma Cate McNew / www.emmacatemcnewphotography.com
Kassie Rogers / kassierogersphotog (Instagram)
Naomi Olivia / naomioliviaphotography.com
Kinsey Linnae / kinseylinnae.com
Rachel Chism / rachelchismphotography.com (Instagram)
Blue Shadow Films / blueshadowfilms.com
Jennifer Wilson Photography / jenneferwilson.com (Instagram)
Blue Cake Photography / bluecakephotography.com
Kayle Elk Photography / kayleyelkphotography.com
Catering and Services
Chef Brian Gardner / The Humble Chef *In-House
BAY Weddings / Bon Appetite Y’all
Sherlyn Boyd / email: Sherlynboyd@yahoo.com phone: 580-775-0499
Moms Bakery / momsbakerysherman.com
Wedding Insurance
Wedding Insurance / Wedsure.com
Pro Tip: If you are a homeowner, some policies provide general special event coverage, including a wedding!
Blonde Beats / Blonde Beats and The Beard
Dj PM / djpmeventservices.com
Platinum Events, Jack Kristian DJ/ PlatinumEventsCompany.com
Ricky Carr / Ricky Carr Pianist
The Secret Life of Florals / secretlifeofflorals.com
Haute Poppies / hautepoppies.com
Bloom / a1floraldesignstudio.com
Blooming Buffalo / bloomingbuffaloflorals on instagram
Miranda Warlick / newbloomeventplanning.com *In-house
BAY Weddings / www.bonappetityall.net
Fawn Hallow Events / Fawn Hallow on Facebook
Fun and More!
The Sweet Sip Mobile Soda Bar / thesweetsip.com
Magnify Coffe Co. / magnifycoffee.org
Revolution Coffee Co. / revolutioncoffeeco.net
Durant Bounce House / durantbouncehouseco@gmail.com
Bubble and Bash Balloons and more / balloonandbash.com
Miss to Mrs. Magazine / misstomrsbridalmag.com
The Boijee Burros / instagram.com/theboujeeburros